Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Deep Capsule Network for Facial Emotion Recognition
(Tegani Salem and Telli Abdelmoutia)Abstract
Although the classification of images has become one of the most important challenges, neural networks have had the most success with this task; this has shifted the focus towards architecture-based engineering rather than feature engineering. However, the enormous success of the convolutional neural network (CNN) is still far from comparable to the human brain's performance. In this context, a new and promising algorithm called a capsule net that is based on dynamic routing and activity vectors between capsules appeared as an efficient technique to exceed the limitations of the artificial neural network (ANN), which is considered to be one of the most important existing classifiers. This paper presents a new method-based capsule network with light-gradient-boosting-machine (LightGBM) classifiers for facial emotion recognition. To achieve our aim, there were two steps to our technique. Initially, the capsule networks were merely employed for feature extraction. Then, using the outputs computed from the capsule networks, a LightGBM classifier was utilised to detect seven fundamental facial expressions. Experiments were carried out to evaluate the suggested facial-expression-recognition system's performance. The efficacy of our proposed method, which achieved an accuracy rate of 91%, was proven by its testing the results on the CK+ dataset.
Image classifications, LightGBM, machine learning, computer vision, CNN, deep learning
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