Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Flipped Learning of Irrational Numbers: Saudi Arabia
(Maha Saad Alsaeed)Abstract
There is a growing interest in the flipped design model in K–12 mathematics classrooms, as it has been shown to have a positive influence on learning. This study aims to help improve students’ learning of irrational numbers using the flipped design model. This study outlines four design elements of the flipped environment that are shown to increase student engagement. Two eighth-grade classes (n = 60) were examined using a quasi-experimental research design in terms of students’ mathematical achievements and engagement levels. Each class was tested using a different instructional approach: traditional learning or flipped learning. The results indicated that the eighth-grade students in the flipped learning model group demonstrated an overall medium to a slightly high level of cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and social engagement, as well as a slightly high performance with irrational numbers. Also, when comparing the flipped and traditional learning environments, the results revealed that neither group was significantly different in terms of mathematics performance or engagement. Several recommendations and implications are discussed for teaching complex mathematics concepts via a flipped learning environment, including enriching the learning environment with student collaboration, social and emotional support, and problem solving.
Mathematics engagement, cognitive engagement, social engagement, behavioral engagement, student-centered, deep learning
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