Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Characteristics of Some Subsurface Horizons of Al-Ahsa Soils, Saudi Arabia

(Saad Bin Abdullah Al-Barrak)


This research was conducted to study the morphological, chemical and physical characteristics of the subsurface horizons of Al-Ahsa soils with an attempt to compare their characteristics with that of some miopliocene rock strata outcrop (Hofuf formation). Results indicated that the properties of some subsurface horizons were influenced by the properties of some strata beds which may represent their parent materials. Properties such as color hues, ECe and percentages of clay and sand were the most influenced. In addition, the results showed that the subsurface horizons with 7.5 YR hue had the highest clay content with an average of 26%, whereas those with 2.5 hue with 5Y hue were more saline than those of 7.5YR hue. Further research work should be carried out in more details to search for low saline clayey materials to be used for improvement of the texture of sandy soils spreading all over the district of Al-Ahsa
