Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Obstacles and Success Factors

(Ahmed bin Abdullah Al Shuaibi)


The concept of E-government has yet been a real fact worldwide, to the extent that the developed countries have achieved the highest level of E-government readiness and looking forward to achieving what has been referred to in the literature as E-Inclusion. The rest of the countries has evidently followed the same path, and has achieve different levels of E-government implementation and E-government readiness. This study investigates E-government implementation and readiness in the Arab world in general and in Saudi Arabia in particular. The study has demonstrated the drawbacks in E-government readiness in Saudi Arabia and pointed out the obstacles facing E-government development mainly organizational factors, legal factors as well as the main components of E-government such as technological infrastructure, human and education factor, and the financial factor. The study has thereafter introduced a number of practical recommendations which may accelerate E-government development in the future.
