Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
The Tensor Product of Zero-Divisor Graphs of Variation Monogenic Semigroups
(Abolape Deborah Akwu and Bana Al Subaiei)Abstract
The tensor product of zero-divisor graphs of variation monogenic semigroups Γ(VS_Mn^1) and Γ(VS_Mm^2) is studied. The vertices(x_1^i,x_2^j) and (x_1^k,x_2^f) of the tensor product of this graph are adjacent whenever gcd(i,k)=1,i+k>n,gcd(j,f)=1 ,j+f>m. Some properties of tensor product graphs are obtained, such as girth, diameter, chromatic, clique and domination numbers.
Variation monogenic semigroup, relatively prime, tensor product, adjacency
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