Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet in Response to Levels and Times of Nitrogen Application and Foliar Spraying of Urea
(Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahim night, CM)Abstract
Effects of N levels (120, 168 and 216 kg N ha-1), times of N application (½ N dose before the first irrigation (BFI) + ½ N dose before the second irrigation (BSI); ½ N (BFI) + ½ N before the third irrigation (BTI); 1/3 N (BFI) + 1/3 N (BSI) +1/3 N(BTI) and foliar spraying of urea (0, 1 and 2% concentrations) on root yield and quality of sugar beet “cv. Kawamira” were evaluated. Increasing N levels from 120 to 216 kg N ha-1 enhanced root yield and its components, while it resulted in marked reduction in yield quality (total soluble solids, sucrose and purity %). Timing of N application significantly affected most of yield characters. Adding nitrogen in two equal portions, 1/2 before the first irrigation (BFI) +1/2 N before the second irrigation (BSI), gave the highest root, top and sugar yields/ha-1. Foliar spraying of urea at 2 % concentration gave marked increases in root, top and sugar yields/ha-1. Application