Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Synthesis and Characterisation of Structural and Electrical Properties of CuMn2O4 Spinel Compound

(Rasha Yousef , Alaa Nassif , Abla Al-Zoubi and Nasser Saad Al-Din )


CuMn2O4 was synthesized by the solid-state method. MnO2 and CuO were used as precursors. The optimum temperature of synthesis was 850°C. XRD results showed that the prepared compound had a cubic structure with Fd3 ̅m space group. The lattice constant and unit cell volume were a=8.359Å and V=584.14A°3 respectively. The grain size was calculated by the Debye-Scherrer method and was 33.49 nm for CuMn2O4 annealed at 850°C. The experimental density was calculated and compared to the theoretical density. The results were ρt= 5.399 gr/cm3 and ρE = 5.24 gr/cm3. The electrical properties of the compound showed that it behaves like a semiconductor, and the activation energy of the compound was 0.1535 eV.

Activation energy, copper manganite (CuMO), mixed oxide, solid-state reaction, spinel



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