Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Seasonal Activity of Flies Causing Myiasis in Livestock Animals Using Sticky Traps Baited With Swormlure-4 in Riyadh Region, Saudi Arabia

(Azzam al-Ahmed and Mohammed Abdulrahman)


Flies causing myiasis were monitored using sticky traps baited with swormlure-4 in El Muzahmiya, El Ammariya, El Dirrhiya and Hurymila (Riyadh Region). Three fly species were attracted; these were Chrysomya albiceps, Wohlfahrtia nuba and Chrysomya bezziana. In all sites, the mean numbers of C. albiceps were significantly higher than the mean numbers of W. nuba (P<0.05); on the other hand, the numbers of W. nuba were significantly higher than the numbers of C. bezziana (P<0.05). The ratios of W. nuba : C. albiceps in El Muzahmiya, El Dirrhiya, Hurymila and El Ammariya were 1: 7.0, 1: 5.3, 1: 4.3 and 1: 3.5, respectively. Two distinct peaks were observed for the seasonal activity of C. albiceps and W. nuba flies; in April and November. Their distribution and seasonal activity may be influenced by the prevailing climatic conditions and the availability of hosts. The study revealed that flies causing myiasis are becoming serious pests in Riyadh Region, and every effort should be made to control them, by sanitary measures and insecticides and other means of integrated pest management.
