Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Vegetation Monitoring in the Saudi Marsh Environment Using Geospatial Technologies
(Amani Hussein Mohamed Hassan)Abstract
Vegetation in a salt marsh environment differs from that in other environments in terms of species, density, and frequency. In this research, plant communities in some coastal and inland marshes of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia were monitored through a quantitative analytical approach using geospatial techniques, namely ArcGIS 10.5 and Erdas Imagine software. Field verification monitored the plant community in each marsh by vision and imaging with regard to the quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Samples were collected in April 2019 and processed by space visuals, extraction of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with 30m spatial accuracy, analysis of the mechanical and chemical laboratory, and extraction of X-ray beams for 16 samples. The cartographic analysis of the NG39.SW topographic plate and the MG-A108 geological plate and the analysis of meteorological data for Al-Qaysumah, Al-Dammam, and Al-Ahsa stations for the period 1985–2018 was conducted using SPSS. The results showed that 14 plant species were found in six coastal and inland marsh plant communities. They were distributed in the form of specific areas in which soil salinity plays a prominent role in their distribution. These communities were Zygophyllum Qatarens, Saueda Fruticosa, Halopeplis Perfoliata, Aeluropus Lagopoides, Salsola Imbricate, and Seidlitzia Rosmarinus. The study recommends that grazing, the cultivation of degraded species, and environmental awareness should be regulated.
Dhabia, plant communities, qualitative characteristics, quantitative characteristics, umm haisha
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