Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Life of Burhan Al-Deen Ibr
(Abdullah Abdul Rahman Al-Khatib)Abstract
This article deals with a critical study related to the manuscript Dilalat al-Burhan al-Qaweem ala Tanasub Ay al-Quran al-Azeem written by Ibrahim b. Umar al-Biqa i . This compendium is a summary of his famous tafseer : nazm al-Durar, al-Biqa i has summarized his tafseer until the end of surat al-Ma idah and did not finish his work. This compendium is a very important book therefore, I endeavored to study it. This study is divided into tow major parts. The first part includes five sections and deals with the biography of al-Biqa i and his writings in the various fields of Islam especially in relation to the field of Qur anic studies and exegeses. The second part, which is four sections, discusses the methodology of the author in this compendium. The importance of this manuscript, and provides a description of the only two manuscript copies, which have been found in the libraries of this world. Appendix (I) provides the reader with copies of the title page, the first and the second pages of the two manuscripts. Lastly, the conclusion and the recommendations come followed by the bibliography.