Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Basic and Applied Sciences

Evaluation of Students’ Performance in Written Examination in Medical Pharmacology

(Suman Jane - Abdulaziz Al-Khawaja)


We retrospectively analyzed the results of 1243 written examination papers of students taking three courses in medical pharmacology. the examination paper consisted of two parts: part I was made up of multiple choice questions (MCQs), matching (match) and short answer questions (SA), while part II was made up of essay questions. The overall failure rates for courses I, II and III were 31%, 36.4% and 31.2% respectively. In the three courses around 12% of students obtained high grades (A and B), whereas 55% had low grades (C and D). IN course I, 1.8% of students obtained grade A, 13.1% grade B , 22.6% grade C and 32.1% grade D . Corresponding results in course II were 1.9%, 9.6%, 20% and 32.1% and in course III, 1.3%, 8.6% , 22.8% and 36.1% respectively.
