Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Toxico-Pathological Studies of the Insecticide Metasystox-R (Oxydemeton-Methyl) in Rabbits
(Ahmed Jaafar Aljazzar and Yehia Hussain )Abstract
One of the widely used insecticides in agriculture and urban pest control is oxydemeton-methyl, which is an organothiophosphate compound. It has a high bioaccumulation effect due to its increased solubility and mobility. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of oxydemeton-methyl toxicity on the environment, and female New Zealand rabbits were used as a model. The rabbits were given oxydemeton-methyl orally in drinking water at a concentration of 34 ppm for six weeks. The clinical signs were diarrhoea, emesis, salivation, lacrimation, fasciculation, muscle tremors and weakness. The haematological parameters, such as the RBCs count, the Hb concentration and the PCV % were significantly decreased. On the contrary, the WBCs count were significantly increased. In addition, an acetylcholinesterase enzyme was inhibited, and a histopathological examination on the liver showed small areas of oval and bridge necrosis infiltrated with mononuclear cells. In the kidneys, there was a variable degree of nephrosis, and the heart showed foci of myocardial degeneration infiltrated with mononuclear cells. Therefore, it is concluded that oxydemeton-methyl is highly toxic to the environment.
Environments, insecticide, oxydemeton, pathology, pesticides, toxicity
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