Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Basic and Applied Sciences

Design of A Perfect Metamaterial Absorber for Microwave Applications

(Khalid Saeed Lateef Al-Badri)


In this manuscript, a multi-band and low-profile metamaterial absorber with polarisation independence from 00 to 450 is presented. The proposed metamaterial structure is composed of a single ring with a rectangular patch, consisting of periodic unit cells with a size of 150mm × 250mm × 1.5mm. The structure exhibits three absorption peaks under normal incidence, which cover the X-band. According to the results, the desired material can excellently absorb the electromagnetic wave signal, with an outstanding absorption rate of about 95% at the microwave x-band frequency. The proposed structure shows three absorption bands where two of them exceed 90% absorption level. The results displayed a high Q-factor of 103.5 at a resonance frequency of 8.58 GHz and the figure of merit (FOM) is 98.4, which can be used to enhance the sensor sensing, narrowband band filter and image sensing. The proposed structure is fabricated, and experiments are carried out to validate the design principle. Strong agreements are observed between the measured and the corresponding simulated results.

Absorber, high Q-factor , metamaterials, microwave, multi-band, sensor



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