Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Saudi Youth and Risky Behaviours
(Mongi Zidi , Turki Al-Shalaki , Talal Mohammad Alsaif , Saeed A. Al-Dossary , Desouki Jalal Mohammed Hamed and Ibrahim Al-Husseini Abdel Moneim Hilal )Abstract
The study examined the problem of risky behavior, its prevalence among Saudi youth, and the degree of their awareness of it. These behaviors were determined on the basis of academic scientific studies and reports of the relevant international organizations. They consisted of: dangerous driving, smoking, drug addiction, violence, Unsafe healthy behavior, food, and physical activity. The researchers adopted the quantitative and qualitative approaches using the electronic questionnaire and the SPSS 21 statistical system at the quantitative level, and the Focus Groups tool at the qualitative level, on a sample of 625 individuals in Hail. The study concluded that Saudi youth are exposed to risks like other youth in the world. The dangerous behavior that stares at them with one another and leads to each other are interconnected, and they arise in the school environment and grow in peer groups, and they start with bullying and pass to smoking so that the teenager becomes more ready for more dangerous behaviors such as drugs, violence and various deviations . The study confirmed that exposure to danger, risk and challenge is one of the most prominent dimensions of the transitional phase from childhood to adulthood, and that the multiplicity of modes of upbringing and the many temptations make youth an easy target in light of the decline in family social control and the abundance of leisure time. The researchers recommended the necessity to continuously monitor the situation of young people and adopt integrated education, education and awareness strategies with the participation of all concerned parties.
Bullying, dangerous driving, drugs, peer groups, Saudi society, youth violence
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