Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
The conditions required for appearance of the locally metamorphic process correspond to the formation of metamorphic rocks in Bear-Bassit area northwest Syria
(Abdulrahman bin Muhyiddin quince & I. A. Al -Hawas)Abstract
The metamorphic rocks of the Bear-Bassit area northwest Syria are being below and in direct contact to the ultrabasic and basic rocks, mainly appear in several localities which are: Al-Gungerian, Ayorann, Quobatra Dauschane, Al-Kabeer and Beit Baldeur.
The geothermometric and geobarometric conditions were applied for the locally mono metamorphic process , through testing the new results of the chemical composition for hornblende and plagioclase minerals, their elemental distribution in their mineral crystal structure and their position in the calibrated faces. Hence, the locally metamorphic process temperature ranges between 450 to 670oC, whereas the geobarometric reading ranges between 2 and 5 kilobar.
All studied collected samples of amphibolite from Al-Kabeer, Beit Baldeur and Ayorann are characterized by its formation in the upper part of the green shiest faces and the accumulation of: hornblende + plgioclase + quartze epidote biotite chlorite and carbonate mineral metallic minerals.Whereas amphibolite rocks from AL-Gungerian Quobatra Dauschane contain hornblende + plgioclase + quartze epidote garnete biotite chlorite carbonate minerals. In addition ,both types determined faces corresponded to the geothermometric and geobarometeric conditions applied.