Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Effect of Some Growth Regulators and Salinity on Germination of Salicornia Seeds
(Abdelrhman Mohamed And Mohamed M. Kawas)Abstract
Salicornia, as one of halophyte plants, can be potentially adapted to contribute significantly both to ecology and to human and animals food chain. Growth and survival of salicornia in salty soil marshes irrigated with saline drainage water is of a prime importance in AL-Qassim region (central Saudi Arabia). Therefore, the aim of the present study is to test the combined effect of some growth regulators and salinity levels on germination of Salicornia bigelovii seeds obtained from Arabian Saline water Technology (Behar), at The Royal Commission in Jubail (east of Saudi Arabia).
Five levels of salinity ie. 704, 13,000, 20,500, 28,000, and 39,500 ppm were prepared by diluting the saline drainage water (about 40x103 ppm) obtained from Al-Awshaziah salt lake, located 17km east of Unayzah, (central Saudi Arabia). Three levels of both geberrellic (GA) and Indol beutric acids (IBA) as growth regulators (e.g. 100, 250 and 500 ppm) were applied. Seeds were planted in Petri dishes, illuminated with fluorescent lamps and incubated at a growthroom under 20C.
The obtained results showed consistent and sharp reductions in germination percentages from 88% to 24% with increasing the salinity level from 704 to 39,500 ppm. The application of growth regulators, especially GA promoted seed germination by 10 to 15% with insignificant differences between concentrations. GA was more effective than IBA in promoting germination. The germination rate was significantly increased in the presence of GA as it increased by 31% and 39% in the first and the second weeks, respectively. Therefore, it was concluded that the use of GA might increase germination of salicornia seeds in saline environments, which consequently increases the final yield.