Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
The adsorption of phosphate by soils rich in palygorskite in the oasis of Alhassa Saudi Arabia
(Ibrahim bin Abdulrahman senses)Abstract
Phosphorus sorption by calcareous and gypsifrouse soils rich in palygorskite has been studied. The P adsorption was measured at 0-60 g
ml-1. Most soil samples showed a high affinity for P sorption at low solution concentrations. At higher P solution concentration, P sorption was accompanied by a change in the slope of the isotherms. The higher P, the lower pH values were gained. The reduction in the final pH was related to the amount of P sorbed. The reference palygorskite showed only a small adsorption capacity for P. This small sorption indicates that palygorskite is behaving in a similar manner to that of a 2:1 phyllosailicate mineral. Since the equlibrium solution back ground is CaCl2, the adsorption of P by palygorskite is that probably some of the exchangeable site occupied by Ca. The contribution of palygorskite to P adsorption is then small.