Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Legislative Direction for Establishing a Legal Regulation of the Hardship Theory in Commercial Contracts

(Aser Mohamed Abou Deif)


The commercial contract occupies the forefront in various legal systems, as it is the basis for commercial transactions, whether at the local or international level. Commercial contracts vary in the diversity of their subjects. A contract is considered commercial when it refers to a commercial business or any other business that has similar goals and attributes of a known business in a system. A commercial contract, like any other contract, covers general exceptional and sudden conditions that cannot be avoided. These conditions are called ‘hardship circumstances’. Hardship circumstances allow the judge, upon the request of one of the parties to the contract, to intervene in returning the onerous commitment to a reasonable limit due to considerations of justice while continuing to enforce the commercial contract. As the world is going through exceptional circumstances, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in particular, this research aims to establish a legislative direction in the Saudi commercial system for the enactment of rules that take into account emergency conditions within the terms of the commercial contract.

Commercial contract, commercial law, exceptional circumstance, exhausting obligation



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