Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Feminist Awareness of the Self and the Other: A Critical Enquiry into Short Stories

(Wasfi Yassin Abbas)


The aim of this research is to provide a cultural reading of formations of feminist awareness of the self and the other in the short story collection (Just Like any Bucket) of the Egyptian storyteller (Rihab Ibrahim). The purpose of the research is to reveal the extent to which a person can reconcile with the self, the ability to accept a different 'other', and the image of the narrative male, which requires the narrative deconstruction and reconstruction of the stories. The research draws on the cultural reading method, posing several questions and attempting to answer them. The research concludes that the short story collection became a narrative prescription, not for physical or psychological illnesses, but for awareness. she has taken her hand over the true places of malice that afflict the self with its reflections, the other with its representations, and the community with its segments.

Cultural criticism, feminism, cultural patterns, feminist literature



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