Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Argumentation in the Preface of Arabic Rhetoric Books

(Abdulla Abdorahman Banqeeb)


This study will seek to show the argumentation methods in the preface sections of Arabic rhetoric books: that Abdul-Qahir Al-Jarjani used while consolidating the preface of his book ‘Dlaa'l Alaa'jaz’, and defending the adopted theses, and contradicting the opposition to it. As a result, the study follows three routes. The first route shows the argumentation strategy dominating the preface and is the subject of the introduction. The second route shows the argumentation techniques related to the content, while the third route shows the argumentation techniques related to the figure. Finally, the study concludes with the relevant results.

Rhetoric, introductions, strategy, techniques, content, figure



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