Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Aesthetics of Paradox in Ghazi Al-Gosaibi’s Poetry

(Mohamed Musa Albalola Azzain)


This research aims to reveal the aesthetics of paradox in Al-Gosaibi’s poetry, including determining its aesthetics, understanding its types, and recognizing how to employ them. The research plan relies on the descriptive, analytical, and psychological approaches. It comprises an introduction, a preface, two studies, and a conclusion. The first study is theoretical and addresses the nature of the paradox and its forms and function; the second entails an applied procedural approach to examine the aesthetics of paradox in Al-Gosaibi’s poetry. The research results show that his diverse upbringing, as well as educational and practical experience, enriched Al-Gosaibi’s personality and, thereby, lend a depth of thinking and richness to the poetic experience. The paradox in his poems varies between verbal, contextual, and positional types, and it deepened his literature by giving it a new aesthetic quality that distinguishes him from other poets of his era.

Apparent meaning, attitude, context, hidden meaning, word



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