Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Basic and Applied Sciences
Proposal for a Secure Integrated Scheme for Cloud Computing Systems
(Nairouz Alzin, Zakria Mahrousa and Mahmoud Rahhal )Abstract
Digital signature schemes are thought to be essential requirements for authenticated electronic transactions, and researchers have been working hard to provide a suitable scheme to satisfy the large number of reliability and security requirements. This research proposes a secure integrated scheme that meets authentication, verification, non-repudiation and protection requirements for both the transmitter and the receiver in a cloud computing system. The proposed scheme provides a faster execution time, while satisfying several of the requirements, than in referenced models. The results demonstrate that the execution time of the proposed scheme does not exceed one second on the transmission side and four seconds at the receiving end for various file sizes up to a maximum of 200 kilobytes, a relatively large size for authenticated messages that rarely reach these huge sizes.
AES, Digital Signature, RSA, Security Issue, MD5, Privacy and Security
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