Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Electronic Crime

(Rana Mosbah Abdel Mohsen Abdel Razek)


This study aimed to identify the impact of artificial intelligence on rates of cybercrime. This is due to the development of a number of technical crimes derived from information technology. Some criminals have tended to use modern technical means to commit their crimes, which has attracted the attention of lawyers, professionals, and specialists, who are working to find appropriate solutions to prevent and suppress such crimes. Therefore, many developed and Arab countries have rushed to thwart this phenomenon by legislating and enacting laws that prevent such crimes from being committed. The study relied on a descriptive analytical approach, in addition to a comparative approach. The study included three investigations, and focused on artificial intelligence, cybercrime, its legal nature, and its characteristics. The aims of the study were to identify the different types of computer crime and their relationship to the field of artificial intelligence, and to identify the position of Saudi and Egyptian legislation regarding combating IT crimes. The most prominent result was that artificial intelligence plays an important role in increasing cybercrime, which proves the validity of the study hypothesis.

Artificial intelligence, Cybercrime, Information Security, Combating computer crime



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