Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Aesthetics of Saudi Architectural Heritage as a Source of Creative Painting Works: Diriyah as a Model
(Yasser Mohamed Fadl)Abstract
Based on the role of art education in preserving heritage arts, the current research aims to revive the Saudi architectural heritage in Diriyah by shedding light on its aesthetics. The aesthetics were associated with the first Saudi state, so it became the set of government. Diriyah includes a distinct heritage architecture, containing many aesthetic values that make it fertile material for creativity in the art of painting. The research followed an experimental methodology, whereby the researcher conducted an artistic self-experiment; after analysing paintings, he presented works that employed the aesthetic capabilities and dimensions of the elements and vocabulary of the heritage architecture in Al Diriyah. These paintings had the characteristics of creativity and the combination of originality and modernity and were intended to document and highlight the aesthetics of the architectural heritage of Diriyah. Among the results of the research is that the Saudi architectural heritage in Diriyah contains vocabulary and building elements that carry many aesthetic values. The research recommended that the parties concerned with preserving the architectural heritage print artistic works resulting from practical research in libraries, public places, airports, and others to encourage domestic and foreign tourism and preserve the Arab identity.
Aesthetics, architectural heritage, Diriyah, painting, water colors, creativity
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