Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
An Overview of Query Processing on Crowdsourced Databases
(Marwa B. Swidan, Ali A. Alwan, Yonis Gulzar, Abedallah Zaid Abualkishik)Abstract
Crowd-sourcing is a powerful solution for finding correct answers to expensive and unanswered queries in databases, including those with uncertain and incomplete data. Attempts to use crowd-sourcing to exploit human abilities to process these expensive queries using human workers have helped to provide accurate results by utilising the available data in the crowd. Crowd-sourcing database systems (CSDBs) combine the knowledge of the crowd with a relational database by using some variant of a relational database with minor changes. This paper surveys the leading studies conducted in the area of query processing with regard to both traditional and preference queries in CSDBs. The focus of this work is on highlighting the strengths and the weakness of each approach. A detailed discussion of current and future trends research associated with query processing in the area of CSDBs is also presented.
Incomplete data model, preferences query, query processing, skyline query, top-k query
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