Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

An IoT Based Model for a Trucking Transport System Using Predictive Analytics

(Renuka Mahajan, Preetam Suman and Richa Misra)


The Internet of Things (IoT) has enormous potential to revolutionize the transport industry. IoT can be used to optimize mobility of goods and people, add transparency, update information, and provide convenience at lesser cost. Speed of transportation drives requirements of the trucking industry with sustainability, safety without stress. After reviewing current challenges of supply chain networks, this paper proposes a new solution for booking freight, integrating data from multiple sources using smart cloud-based solutions. This paper provides a solution using two modules. The first module is development of a mobile application for order updates and live monitoring of vehicles. The second module is an IoT device that works as an intelligent device by using sensors and microcontrollers. This results in organizations’ transparency on live monitoring of the status of their entire supply chain network, anticipating problems in advance, and providing immediate response to the problem. This paper has implications for organizations driven by enhanced customer expectations pertaining to lead time delivery services, product availability and reliability.

Intelligence transportation system, Internet of Things (IoT), trucking, logistics sector, smart city, smart transportation



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