Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
A Study of Factors Affecting S
(Fuad bin Ahmed Al Sheikh Mubarak)Abstract
This study investigates the relation between the student scores in some related courses in the secondary school and his performance in the accounting course in the first year in college . The main reason to pursue such a study is the lack of similar studies done on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In addition, the study handles factors like the effect of rural residence on the performance, after the economic jump, which is not considered by studies done on developed countries such as the United States, Hong Kong and Australia. Using a multiple regression model, the study revealed that three factors have significant effect on the student performance in college. The grades of Mathematics and Economics scored by the student in the secondary school and the gender has accounted for 40.1% of his performance in the accounting course in college. The regression has excluded the effect of the secondary school type, the secondary school grade average and the residential area for their low significant value. The study greed moderately with similar prior studies.