Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Humanities and Management Sciences

The Fatwas of Sheikh Abdullatif Bin Mubarak : Editing and investigation

(Abdul Hamid bin Mubarak Al-Sheikh m)


Fatwa plays an important part in the development of Jurisprudence. The present paper studies some fatwas by Judge Sheikh Abdullatif bin Mubarak (1203-1295 Hijri) during the rule of Imam Faisal bin Turki. The Fatwas discussed here consist of four questions received by him in the year (1262-1263H.) and another question received by his son in (1293H.). I also included a brief mention of the historical background of scholarship in Al-Ahsa. It is remarkable that Al-Ahsa, in spite of continuous political changes, developed certain aspects of scholarship, thanks to its economic prosperities over the centuries. Hence, one would find schools, Ribats (schools where scholars lived and studied) and different branches of Islamic jurisprudence.
